Monday, February 27, 2012

'Does he preach the Gospel?'

General Stonewall Jackson in a letter to the Southern Presbyterian General Assembly near the beginning of the War:

"A bad selection of a chaplain may prove a curse instead of a blessing. If the few prominent ministers thus connected with each army would cordially co-operate, I believe that glorious fruits would be the result. Denominational distinctions should be kept out of view, and not touched upon. And, as a general rule, I do not think that a chaplain who would preach denominational sermons should be in the army. His congregation is his regiment, and it is composed of various denominations. I would like to see no question asked in the army of what denomination a chaplain belongs to; but let the question be, Does he preach the Gospel?"

From Christ in the Camp by J. William Jones,D.D.

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