Thursday, December 16, 2010

'The recognition of your birthright- community independence'

After the 'Seven days battle' outside Richmond in 1862, Gen. Lee and President Davis sent orders to the Confederate troops congratulating them on the success of repulsing Gen. McClellan's army at all points. It was a brilliant victory, that saw the likes of Gen. Jackson surprise the enemy by coming from the Shenandoah Valley, after just defeating three armies and alarming Lincoln that Washington could be attacked next, to McClellan's flank outside of Richmond. I give to you here President Davis's orders to the troops, Mr. Davis, having been with the army constantly during the whole battle. The final words are very interesting, with Davis telling them to remember why they have fought and must continue to fight, for 'constitutional liberty' and 'community independence'. From Life and Letters of Gen. Robert Edward Lee, by Dr. John William Jones.

"Richmond, July 5, 1862.

To the Army in Eastern Virginia.

"Soldiers: I congratulate you on the series of brilliant victories which, under the favor of Divine Providence, you have lately won; and, as the President of the Confederate States, do heartily tender to you the thanks of the country whose just cause you have so skilfully and heroically served. Ten days ago an invading army, greatly superior to you in numbers and in the material of war, closely beleaguered your Capital and vauntingly proclaimed its speedy conquest; you marched to attack the enemy in his entrenchments; with well-directed movements and death-defying valor you charged upon him in his strong positions, drove him from field to field over a distance of more than thirty-five miles, and, despite his reinforcements, compelled him to seek safety under cover of his gunboats, where he now lies cowering before the army so lately derided and threatened with entire subjugation. The fortitude with which you have borne toil and privation, the gallantry with which you have entered into each successive battle, must have been witnessed to be fully appreciated; but a grateful people will not fail to recognize your deeds and to bear you in their loved remembrance. Well may it be said of you that you have "done enough for glory," but duty to a suffering country and to the cause of constitutional liberty claims from you yet further effort. Let it be your pride to relax in nothing which can promote your future efficiency- your one great object being to drive the invader from your soil, and, carrying your standards beyond the outer boundaries of the Confederacy, to wring from an unscrupulous foe the recognition of your birthright-- community independence."

Jefferson Davis"

1 comment:

Tom Gabbard said...

Powerful words of encouragement, without a doubt!!