Friday, October 22, 2010

Say hello to our daughter!

Ruth Anne Virginia Taylor was born on October 20th 2010 at 7:13 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 10 oz. It has been a long week, and hopefully today we get to go home! Ashley is doing great, we are both just very tired and ready to get out of the hospital! More pics to come!


Christi said...

Awwwww! Yay! I'm so happy for you guys...and she's beautiful!! I hope you have a smooth transition to home and that you both get to get some rest!! Can't wait to meet her in person (hopefully before she's grown)!

Tom Gabbard said...

Congratulations Matt and Ashley!!....A beautiful child!!....I also noticed that it is "Anne" with an "E" :)

Esther said...

Congratulations, Matt and Ashley! I am so happy for you!!!! Matt, you are going to be a great daddy to that little girl. I know you have heard it about 100 times already, but there really is nothing like becoming a's the most amazing feeling in the whole world, and it just gets better every day!!
She is adorable, and I love her name!! Enjoy the time when she is this little--it flies by!!

Hope everything else is going great! We should catch up sometime soon. Congrats, again!!!!
