I have been thinking about some quotes I posted last year some time and thought I would share them again, since I didn't have anyone reading my blog back then, and probably still do not, yet these quotes are very moving and have a romantic quality about them. Hearing the news of so much deception and trickery and immorality coming from that little hill in Washington, it is good to look back to a nobler time, when once this nation was led by real MEN, men with principles, men of honor, men of truth.
"In those days men were sent to the Senate because of their ability and their purity of character, and not because of great wealth or capacity as political tricksters and successful partisans." - John William Jones
Written about Jefferson Davis after his death : "His lofty patriotism, immaculate integrity, and firmness of purpose, which never yielded principle for expediency nor abandoned the right for success will be held up for emulation by the aspiring youth of Texas who would achieve an honorable distinction among their fellow-men." -Gov. L. S. Ross, in Austin, Texas
A dispatch sent on the day of Jefferson Davis's death said this:
"He was a leading man in the Senate, and gave every one who saw him the impression that he was a born leader. He was not a demagogue, and would always take the unpopular side of any question when he believed he was right."
This quote is about the Senate of 1850:
"Never before at one time did so many illustrious men sit in the highest council of the nation. The States sent their foremost men to the Senate. Few were sent to the Senate for their wealth, or family or party influence. Ability, Experience and integrity were the tests by which the perspective States tried the men who were to represent them in that then truly venerable and venerated august body." -John William Jones
These quotes from Mr. Frank H. Alfriend are about the speeches Mr. Davis was apt to give while in the Senate:
"Never for one instant varying from the principles of his creed, he never doubted as to the course of duty; profound, accurate in information, there was no question pertaining to the science of government or its administration that he did not illuminate with a light clear, powerful and original."
and again, "For mere rhetorical glitter, Mr. Davis's speeches afford but poor models, but for clear logic and convincing argument, apt illustration, bold and original imagery, and genuine pathos, they are unsurpassed by any ever delivered in the American Senate."
Here Mr. Alfriend was comparing Stephen A. Douglas and Jefferson Davis:
"For mere party success Douglas cared everything, and Davis nothing, save as it insured the triumph of constitutional principles."
All quotes were taken from: Jefferson Davis and the World's Tribute to his Memory- Memorial Volume 1890. written by J.W.M. Jones.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
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1 comment:
I read your blog,Dear Brother! :) The previous 2 posts have been some of my favorites. Keep them comin!
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