Tuesday, December 1, 2009

By the help of Almighty God

Another great leader and soldier that has been misrepresented by many today is Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest was a brilliant commander in the Confederate Cavalry and was also a professing believer some time before his death. I came across this quote in Christ in the Camp.

"(By a Colonel.)"

"God our Helper."

"An incident occurring the night ensuing the recent battle of "Tishamingo Creek" illustrates alike the desperate character of the contest and the feelings of the general commanding, in an hour of excessive trial.

At a late hour of the night he ceased for a few hours the pursuit of the enemy, and we found him seated in earnest thought, in a log hut on the side of the road-his exhausted staff asleep all around him. A staff officer of General S.D. Lee had just arrived, to inquire after the fate of the day. General Forrest was dictating a despatch in answer to his inquiry, and closed it with the expression: "By the help of Almighty God we have won one of the most complete victories of the war." Some one present hinted that hard fighting had a good deal to do with the victory. After a style usual to the general, when deeply in earnest, he brought his clenched fist down on his thigh, exclaiming,"I say by the help of God, and it was by His help; for without it we never could have whipped in the fight with the odds against us."

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