Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obtaining Liberty and Peace

I have come across another letter describing the Lord's work in Revival in the Confederate Army. This man raises a concern that should be on our hearts today, for our own military and our governments. This is an extract from a letter written while near Fredericksburg by a chaplain. This minister writes:

" A deep and powerful conviction of sin prevails, and religion has become the chief topic of conversation with many. Many of the noble sons of Alabama, who have stemmed the tide of man battles in defence of civil liberty, are now bowing humbly at the Cross, endeavoring to throw off the shackles of sin, and seeking liberty from the thraldom of Satan. How many parents' hearts will be gladdened when the glorious news of a revival in our camp reaches them! We feel assured that we have the prayers of the parents and friends of these noble soldier boys, and we ask an interest in your prayers and the prayers of all true lovers of religion, that God will carry on the good work he has so graciously begun until this entire brigade and entire army shall become the followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, and our every heart shall be attuned to His praise. O, for an humble, Christian army! We can never obtain liberty and peace until we humble ourselves in the dust before God. Should we not strive earnestly and faithfully for this end? Let us all strive faithfully for this glorious result, and peace will wreathe our banners here, and unalloyed happiness be our portion in the life to come." J.W.H.

1 comment:

Tom Gabbard said...

This is a message for us all that reminds us again where true victory is found. It can only be found "bowing humbly at the cross."
Lord turn us and we shall be turned!