Saturday, June 27, 2009

Concerning Prayer

John Angell James, in his book The Anxious Inquirer, has pointed out some very helpful instructions for prayer. He is speaking, again, mainly to unbelievers that are anxious about their soul and about salvation, but I believe these words of advice are helpful for us all as well. James writes:

"Attend with regularity and seriousness upon the preaching of the gospel. Sermons are invaluable helps to the anxious inquirer. Hear the word preached with a deep conviction that it will do you no good but as God blesses it, and therefore look above the minister to God. Pray before you go to hear sermons; pray while you hear; and pray after you have heard. Go from the closet of private prayer to the place of public worship, and from the place of public worship back again to prayer. Apply the word as you hear it to yourself; hear with attention, hear as for your life, hear as for salvation."

And again:

"Attend meetings for social prayer. The prayers of good men not only bring down blessings from God, but breathe the spirit of true piety. The prayer-meeting is an atmosphere of devotion. Inquirer, frequent prayer-meetings, then; it is there the solemn impressions of sacred things are strengthened. You are there prayed with, and prayed for; you there learn what advanced Christians feel and desire, and their prayers are some of the best instructions you can receive; there you may find your own heart knit together in love with the people of God."

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